4363 Clousson Road
Houston, TX 77002
Isabelle Mccombs
Chevron Energy Tech Co
4082 Edgewood Road
Little Rock, AR 72210
Subject: Application for position of Piping Engineer
Dear Mrs. Mccombs,
I write to introduce myself, Isabelle Mccombs for the position of Piping Engineer at Chevron Energy Tech Co. I have also enclosed my resume along with this cover letter to give you more information on my background as a Piping Engineer.
Over the past four years of my career as a Piping Engineer, I have been employed at URS Corporation, and have successfully engineered a number of pipes and piping equipment for the MCL Projects product line. I have a Master’s Degree in Piping Engineering from Birmingham-Southern College, and also worked as an apprentice after graduation for Intec Ltd for two years to gain considerable hands on experience in my role. I know all of this experience, professional training, and my skills of analysis, troubleshooting, and technical evaluation could offer your company success beyond a shadow of a doubt. Moreover, I have always aspired to work at aspired as a Piping Engineer, as you are considered the best in the country.
Please review this cover letter and resume at your convenience to learn more about my background. Thanks so much for your time and consideration today, and also for the opportunity to apply.
Yours Sincerely,
(Signature hand written in blue pen ink)
Jose Espinoza
Encl: Resume