For anyone looking for a job in service quality management, here are some sample responsibilities from a job description I once helped put together for an IT client. I’ll also give you some examples of transferable skills you can use to help show an employer the match.
NOTE: I’ve edited the real version a bit since I like to protect client identities, but hopefully this will at least help give you an idea of what kinds of things might be included in an actual description:
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Sample Job Description: Service Quality Manager (SQM)
Responsibilities Section
The Service Quality Manager, a newly-created position designed to help lead and expand the CLT Service Quality Improvement Initiative, will work with CLT management and staff, clients, vendors, and other interested parties. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Business process improvement for all CLT services
- Full life-cycle project management for service aspects of all CLT applications, projects, and programs
- Relationship building and management
- Metrics development, tracking and analysis
- Maintaining the CLT website and helping to create service-related forms & documentation
- Keeping other CLT departments informed of changes to CLT business processes & services
- Proactively seeking out and helping to initiate service improvement projects
Sample transferable skills for your resume & cover letter
Transferable skills allow you to use things you’ve already done to show why you are ideally suited for the NEW job. Some possible things you could highlight in your resume and cover letter to help you make the case for a great fit for this particular job description:
- Any examples of times that you found better ways to do something, especially if it saved money or time and got good feedback. Big plus if you initiated the idea yourself!
- Any examples of times you led a project from beginning to end – or even part of a project.
- Make sure you include any person-to-person or person-to-group contact that can show you are good at building and maintaining work-related relationships.
- Have you ever kept track of measurements that show how a project or program is going? Sales increases. Approval ratings. Anything that uses numbers and / or charts to track progress. Include that!
- Do you have experience writing for or maintaining online sites? Even your own blog? Mention that. (For this particular job. Not true of all SQM jobs.)
- Have you ever written documentation or developed forms (even simple ones)? Even if you came up with a short survey or questionnaire, you can use that to help show you have the same kinds of skills.
- Highlight any times you initiated or were in charge of intra-office and inter-office communication. Newsletters or even simple service change alerts are good to include.
Some final thoughts
We all have transferable skills. The real trick is, making sure you carefully communicate that to a potential employer. Use your resume and cover letter to highlight your exact experience / skill matches. But also don’t forget to bring your strongest transferable skills to the employer’s attention. Sometimes just letting them know you have the aptitude is enough to get you in the interview door! Good luck!
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