Strong resume writing is one of those little-known, highly-important skills that can make a big difference in getting an interview. We take a simple, direct approach and make resume writing easy by providing you with a junior accountant resume sample to serve as a helpful example of what to do and what not to do when writing your resume. We provide expert resume writing tips to help deepen your understanding of what an effective resume sets out to do. Read on to learn how you can write a better junior accountant resume and make a bigger impact on the hiring manager who reads it.
Experience Summary:
- Comprehensive knowledge of various accounting processes and activities
- Introduced work process that increased work productivity and received appreciation from senior members on the same
- Have experience in using QuickBooks extensively for accounting tasks
Junior Accountant, July 20XX to Present
Company Name, State
- Handled the complete accounting cycle, including opening, posting entries and closing of accounts and preparation of various accounting reports
- Handled tasks related to cash disbursement and cash reconciliation
Company Name, City, State
- Handled accounts payable and accounts receivable
- Prepared sales invoices, refund and agency commission checks
- proofread and distributed various financial statements
- Took care of telephone inquiries and managed all written correspondence
20XX – 20XX Steadman Management College, State
- Completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce
Furnished upon request
Why Is This a Good Junior Accountant Resume Sample?
Here we have an excellent example of an effective and impressive junior accountant resume. First, note the structure of this resume. It begins with a clear and simple objective. Then it flows into an experience summary. The professional experience section expands on the information provided in the summary. The resume ends with brief education and references sections. By following this straightforward layout, the jobseeker not only ensures that his or her most important information is easily understood, but also demonstrates the ability to organize and present information with relevance and clarity.
Let’s take a closer look at a few of the sections in this junior accountant resume sample, starting with the resume objective. Here we have an excellent introduction to the resume; the jobseeker has shown how his or her objective is in direct alignment with that of the recruiter.
Although it may seem short, the experience summary is an important factor of this junior accountant resume sample. Recruiters are often bombarded by resumes when it comes time to hire someone, so a brief summary shows that you are a qualified candidate who is worthy of their serious consideration. Each bullet point helps define the personality and abilities of the jobseeker. The middle bullet describes an accomplishment that is impressive for a junior accountant. Look at the final bullet in the experience summary. It is a great example of incorporating a specific skillset into the summary to catch the eye of a recruiter. If this jobseeker applies to a firm that uses QuickBooks, this bullet will likely catch the recruiter’s attention.
Turn your attention to the professional experience section. Note the consistent formatting of this area of the resume. This makes it easier for recruiters to find important facts about your job experience. The education section quickly lets a hiring manager know that the jobseeker has a bachelor degree.
Why You Need a Strong Junior Accountant Resume
The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists accountants among the occupations with the most job growth. In other words, there will likely not only be a surplus of opportunities in your industry, but also that much more competition for positions within the best firms. If you want to situate yourself in a position at a larger, more successful firm that allows for continued career growth, you’ll need to learn how to organize and demonstrate your skills to a recruiter in a way that is effective and compelling. Be sure to follow our expert tips and use our junior accountant resume sample for inspiration.
Costly Junior Accountant Resume Mistakes To Avoid
No matter what industry you’re in, a resume riddled with formatting errors, misspelled words, faulty grammar and inaccurate facts can put a real damper on your hiring opportunities. In additional to these more general errors, there are certain resume mistakes that you want to avoid making as a junior accountant.
One major mistake that may cost you a job opportunity is to fail to list the programs with which you are familiar. Accounting involves using a variety of specific software programs, and you want to be sure that your prospective employer understands that you are least tech savvy. You want to be sure to list all programs you are fluent in, so that the hiring manager can quickly recognize the software that the firm uses if it is on your list. In our junior accountant resume sample, the jobseeker references that he or she has extensive experience using QuickBooks, which is one of the most widely-used accounting programs.
Junior Accountant Resume Questions
The most effective resumes have a design that is appropriate to pass an ATS, or applicant tracking system, which scans applications for keywords. These designs consist of standard categories such as a professional summary, skills and qualifications section, work experience, and education. You may vary the format to arrange this information chronologically, functionally, or as a combination, but you usually want to begin with a quick summary.
Take a look at our junior accountant resume sample to see how the chronological design works; this is a traditional format and is appropriate for most employers. A functional format is often useful for jobseekers who are making a career change or who have gaps in their work history. This design focuses on skills and achievements more than on previous employment.
As you can see on our junior accountant resume sample, the best way to make it past an ATS is choose a simple design and stick to an MS Word format. Boost the impact of your document by filling it with phrases and keywords drawn from the job description. If you know any industry-specific phrases, it’s a good idea to use them throughout the sections. You’ll also notice in the example that each skill and achievement listed is relevant to the position the applicant hopes to obtain. Finally, be sure you’ve gone through the document looking for any misspellings.
Read through our junior accountant resume sample to see an example of an effective document. There are several elements that make this a strong resume. The summary is brief, consisting of just three bullets that draw attention to hard and soft skills. Throughout the document, there’s a lot of open space, so the recruiter’s eye can move quickly from one bullet point to another. The first 15–20 words directly apply to the potential employer’s needs, and the entire document has the right format to pass an ATS.
Our junior accountant resume sample begins with a concise experience summary. The applicant chose three statements and used a bullet format for easy reading. Today, most jobseekers use this section to draw attention to their most impressive accomplishments and qualifications. If the applicant were applying for a first job or making a career change, an objective statement would be more appropriate. Position this statement just below your header.
You’ll see that the junior accountant resume sample is brief, and it focuses consistently on key skills employers are looking for. Your document is more effective when you choose strong verbs and pack your experience descriptions with desirable skills and the facts and figures that show you’ve been an asset to previous employers. If you have had jobs unrelated to the field of accounting, you can list those positions and draw attention to skills that are transferable. Get more tips from all of our resources. There’s no more writer’s block with our resume builder tools and excellent resume examples.
Resume writing doesn’t have to be a daunting process. Now that you’ve read our tips and looked over our junior accountant resume sample, you understand the basics: Use a clear and simple organizational structure. Use consistent formatting. Always reference the accounting software with which you are familiar. With these tools in your toolbox, you can write a strong resume that will get you noticed.
At Resume-Now, we firmly believe that all jobseekers deserve access to the best expert knowledge and job-winning resume tools on the market today. To accomplish this, we’ve handpicked a team of diverse experts to offer advice for jobseekers from every imaginable angle.Our team of recruiters, human resources professionals, certified resumes writers, and award-winning journalists have pooled their knowledge to create a toolbox of tips and resources for today’s jobseeker. Together, they share their unbeatable wisdom to make resume writing effortless, and the job search a little less painful.Resume-Now offer help for entry-level workers, executives, and everyone in between. You can get the job you want with a little help from Resume-Now!
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