As an SEO analyst, you know you always have to be on top of your game. Keeping up with updating algorithms and staying one step ahead of the competition are crucial to your job. There is similar pressure when it comes to applying for a new SEO analyst position. It is a competitive field with new candidates every day who are creative and passionate. This makes a strong resume that draws attention to your experience and unique skills of exceptional importance.
Look over our SEO analyst resume sample below to get a feel for best practices and formatting guidelines. This sample helps you learn how to communicate your strengths to hiring managers and recruiters. For additional help, check out our interactive resume builder.
Janis Hartman
123 Fake Street | City, State, Zip Code
Cell: 000-000-0000
Professional Summary
Dedicated SEO Analyst who can conduct efficient and accurate research and SEO strategy implementation. Skilled at conducting SEO keyword research and search engine analysis, producing original SEO content, and assisting with sitemap building. Specializes at utilizing content and cross-platform marketing for SEO strategies.
Core Qualifications
- Page optimization
- SEO keyword research
- Search engine administration
- Site layout
- Link building
- Marketing content
- Detail focused
- Creative
SEO Analyst, March 2009 to PresentCompany Name, City, State
- Managed and monitored rankings and engine results for certain search engines
- Conducted SEO research and optimized existing web content in accordance with research
- Developed marketing content and assisted in link building
Company Name, City, State
- Created online SEO marketing content and plans
- Developed and implemented SEO strategies including creating SEO optimized content, and researching keywords and search engine rankings
- Coordinated with social communities to optimize networking and marketing
SEO Analyst, February 2000 to March 2004
Company Name, City, State
- Completed search engine keyword research in accordance with SEO strategic content plans to optimize pages
- Assisted in completing link building and cross-platform optimization for web pages
- Created original SEO content for website, designed pages and layout
2000 Bachelor of Science, BusinessSan Diego State Universityâ”,” City, State
Why Is This a Good SEO Analyst Resume Sample?
This SEO analyst resume sample starts off with an effective summary statement. Using “dedicated” as the first word sets the candidate apart from others right away, as consistency and determination are lucrative and desirable skills in the SEO industry. The candidate goes on to mention specific research and analytical skills that result in original SEO content. This jobseeker communicates his most important abilities to hiring managers in just a few short sentences.
Next, the resume outlines specific applicable skills in the core qualifications section. First, you notice the skills are relevant to the position. While the jobseeker may be exceptional at assisting customers in a retail store, that information is rightfully not included, because it does not apply to an SEO analyst’s duties. It’s also worth noting that the skills are listed in easy-to-read bullet points. The candidate listed eight distinct skills in this SEO analyst resume sample so hiring managers are not overwhelmed with a giant list. Try to keep it between five to eight points.
The experience portion is the meat of any resume. It contains the most pertinent information regarding your qualifications. Don’t draw attention away from your relevant experience with poor formatting. Notice how the SEO analyst resume sample follows reverse chronological order with the most recent experience first. The jobseeker also uses three bullet points per job to point out specific accomplishments and duties. He begins most sentences with compelling action verbs such as “developed,” “created,” and “coordinated.” Use strong words such as these, rather than weak passive phrases.
As you might notice, the education section is quite short. This is completely fine because the jobseeker makes it count. Follow this general format, listing your degree, university, and the year you graduated. If you are a recent graduate with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, you should include it in this section. Otherwise, leave it out.
Why You Need a Strong SEO Analyst Resume
O*NET OnLine predicts a 2 to 4 percent growth in jobs for search marketing strategists, with projected job openings between 2014 and 2024 at 37,700. While that is a lot of open positions, it is still a slower growth rate than average. This means the job pool will be increasingly competitive. Hiring managers will be scrupulously looking for the most highly-qualified candidates.
This slower-than-average growth means you have to make every part of the jobseeking process count. The first step to standing out from other candidates is designing a winning resume. If you clearly showcase your qualifications and achievements, you may be seen as the best candidate for the job. By following our advice and using our SEO analyst resume sample as a starting point, you can accomplish this task.
Costly SEO Analyst Resume Mistakes To Avoid
As you create your resume, you want to make sure it’s free of common mistakes. You are probably well aware that you should avoid obvious typos, errors, and falsehoods. However, there are several other mistakes that could cost you the job you want.
Details are crucial when it comes to optimizing web pages. Unfocused SEO analysts with a scattered resume can have a difficult time convincing recruiters they have the meticulousness to get the job done. In our SEO analyst resume sample, the jobseeker keeps everything concise, focused, and relevant. The writer describes himself as “dedicated” and “detail-focused” too. An emphasis on SEO keyword research also helps convey that the jobseeker understands the importance of detailed analysis within the SEO world.
Another common mistake to avoid is making your resume longer than one page. Search engine optimization has only been around since the mid-1990s, so it is unlikely that any applicant has two pages’ worth of experience. Regardless, you should limit your job history to the past fifteen years.
SEO Analyst Resume Questions
It turns out that there is actually a standard resume format you should follow closely to ensure your resume is as strong as it can be. This format is specially created to improve your chances of making a good impression by managing the flow.
Begin with a short summary statement. Then, create a short list of your skills. The third section should be the longest and include the most details about your working experiences. List your previous jobs and associated daily responsibilities. Finally, you should close with a very short education section. You can see examples of all these sections in the SEO analyst resume sample.
The summary is the first thing hiring managers will read, which is why your goal should be to hook their attention. The summary should include information from the rest of the resume to give them a quick idea of your qualifications and abilities.
Once you have them hooked, move on to the next section as quickly as possible. This means your summary should be brief. The summary in the SEO analyst resume sample is only three sentences long.
Creating a resume when you have limited working experience is one of the greatest challenges. Because you are not able to focus on the experience section like most resumes, you will need to emphasize different aspects. Using an entry-level SEO analyst resume sample is a good idea.
One approach is to replace working experience with volunteer work or internships. You are still able to get good experience through these opportunities. If you do not have these experiences, you can instead focus on your education section.
Your qualifications section should be the second section in your resume and list your skills in a short bullet list. Your goal with this section is to impart the information at a glance and quickly guide the reader to the experience section. Only include skills that relate to the position the resume is for directly.
The length of your resume is surprisingly important. If it is too long or short, it may hurt your chances. Using our resume builder is an effortless way to be certain your resume is the perfect length. Typically, your resume should be one full page for every 10 years of working experience you are trying to show. The SEO analyst resume sample also demonstrates what this looks like.
Crafting a successful resume requires inspiration and consideration. As you build your own, use our SEO analyst resume sample as a reference to get your ideas flowing. Next, make sure you’re following the writing guidelines. You want to pull hiring managers in with an interesting summary statement before impressing them with your skills, job history, and education. Before you know it, you’ll be getting ready for an interview.
At Resume-Now, we firmly believe that all jobseekers deserve access to the best expert knowledge and job-winning resume tools on the market today. To accomplish this, we’ve handpicked a team of diverse experts to offer advice for jobseekers from every imaginable angle.Our team of recruiters, human resources professionals, certified resumes writers, and award-winning journalists have pooled their knowledge to create a toolbox of tips and resources for today’s jobseeker. Together, they share their unbeatable wisdom to make resume writing effortless, and the job search a little less painful.Resume-Now offer help for entry-level workers, executives, and everyone in between. You can get the job you want with a little help from Resume-Now!
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